Songbook Q & A
From Dale Tims in Atmore AL:
Hey Tony,
I really like your music. I want to know if you know where I can find the “Songbook” (tablature or regular music form)..
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do you have plans for more solo work? Or with The Screamin’ Blue Demons?
To me the “It’s A Blues Thing ” was your best work I have heard. Who played guitar on that CD/Album?
I sure would like to hear more……
A huge fan,
Dale Tims
Thanks for writing. I don’t have an actual Songbook, but I should think about having one done. There is one song that someone has transcribed for Tab
I played all the guitar on “It’s a blues thing”. My second album “Tony Sarno” has less blues on it, but probably my best recording so far, Jimi Hendrix’ “Voodoo Chile”. I plan to do another album and I will let you know when it’s available. Would it be OK for me to reprint your email in the “Ask Tony” page of my website?
Tony Sarno